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  • Cost Questions

    • Is there financing available for swimming pool installation?

      A well-built swimming pool continues to grow in value right along with your home and will enhance your home’s marketability should you ever sell.

      When investing in a swimming pool, one of the very first steps is estimating the cost and deciding how you will fund it. Start by talking to a professional dedicated to helping you finance your California Pool with terms that comfortably fit your budget. This exchange of information will quickly provide you with a clear indication of how much money you qualify for, your interest rate, and payments.

      The strength of California Pool’s building volume and perfect record of completing every pool has attracted the very best and most trusted lenders in the industry. Even if you’re in a new home, self-employed, have recent career changes, or credit issues, there is financing for you.

      Whatever you choose – signature loan, home equity loan, line of credit, refinance – you will know you are getting the best terms available.

    • Will a swimming pool increase the value of my home?
      If you're thinking about installing a swimming pool in your backyard, you're probably weighing all the pros and cons before making your final decision. A common question homeowners ask during the decision process is, "Will a swimming pool increase or decrease the value of my home?" While we'd like to give you a straight, universal answer, it actually depends on several factors. Read about them all here on our blog.
  • Construction Questions

    • What accessories can I add to my outdoor living area?

      Our swimming pool designs and features have come a long way since we built our first pool in 1952! Today, California Pools offers a wide array of unique and exciting features for your pool. Here are a just a few examples of how you can enhance your pool.

      • Outdoor Kitchens
      • Outdoor Structures
      • Water Features
      • Fire Features
      • Artistic Masonry
      • Custom Decking
      • Creative Landscaping
      • Innovative Lighting
      • Automatic Pool Covers
      • Pool & Spa Safety Fencing

      To get ideas for your own swimming pool and backyard project see our Inspiration Gallery.

    • Should I install an in-ground or above ground swimming pool?

      An above-ground pool can be a fast and easy option if you are on a tight budget and need to have your pool up in a hurry. Above-ground pools can take no more than a few days to install depending on the kit that you order and skills of the team of installers. Some high end
      above-ground pools may even include some limited decking or railing options. But let’s face it, if time and money were the only consideration, there are all kinds of ideas.

      An above-ground pool is really considered a temporary addition to the backyard and even though a great amount of time and detail may go into incorporating the landscape, deck and living space, when you go to sell you may find that it detracts from the overall value of your home. While an above-ground pool has all the same water evaporation and maintenance issues of an inground pool, it typically can only be a uniform 48 to 52 inches in depth preventing safe diving.

      Therefore, the benefits of an inground pool are substantial to homeowners. Inground pools are permanently installed and add to the value of your home, providing options for enhancing landscaping and even creating a drought resistant habitat in dryer climates. The design options for inground pools are substantial, as well as the materials available for building them including concrete, vinyl or fiberglass.

    • How long does it take to build a swimming pool?

      While the length of every backyard living project varies extremely depending on what features are incorporated inside and outside of the swimming pool, most of the offices at California Pools complete average projects in 8-10 weeks. For larger projects, the process can take closer to 12-16 weeks (3-4 months).

      See our Swimming Pool Buyers Guide for a closer look at the full process of building a swimming pool and answer questions you have before buying.

    • Can I build my swimming pool/spa myself?

      We get this question a lot and it comes down to cost, time, and risk.

      Homeowners might think being Owner-Builder of your swimming pool will cost less in the long-run. But this is a swimming pool construction myth. Ultimately, with your desired materials and features, it'll end up costing just about the same amount to build your swimming pool-centric outdoor space yourself in comparison to hiring a contractor. We've actually had numerous homeowners who contact us claiming that they wish they had used California Pools instead of doing the project themselves for this very reason.

      When a swimming pool builder / contractor like California Pools gives you an estimated timeline, the project's predicted finish date is based full-time dedication from an entire team of experts. But installing an entire swimming pool yourself takes time out of your busy life not just for the actual construction process but also for the time it takes to learn how to do or contract each step.

      If a homeowner decides to build an entire swimming pool / spa project himself or contract the work for their swimming pool / spa project himself, all the liability comes along. A lot can go wrong with construction projects of this magnitude, with both those doing the work and the work being done, especially with a lack of education, training, and/or experience. For high quality assurance, plus related warranties, it is best to use a contractor to protect your investment.

    • Can I build a swimming pool in a small backyard?

      The short answer is yes. The design experts here at California Pools pride themselves on their ability to design a perfect outdoor living area to fit your needs - big or small, simple or complex.

      In fact recently, spools have become increasingly more popular. A spool is a cross between a spa and a swimming pool; spools fit somewhere in the middle. Usually, a spool is smaller than an average swimming pool, but not quite as small as your average hot tub, and has features a spa would normally have (i.e., jacuzzi jets).

      To see some of the incredible spool projects we've completed check out the Inspiration Gallery.

    • Should I have a chlorine or salt water swimming pool/spa?

      The good news is that chlorine IS salt, so either way you can’t go wrong. The purpose of using either salt or chlorine is to remove organic material from your pool and keep it clean and sanitary. Salt water pools require the installation of a salt water chlorine generator which uses the process of electrolysis to free the chlorine molecule from the salt. The alternative is adding chlorine directly to your pool. Either way, its chlorine that’s doing the work so its all about the method you prefer.

      Salt water pools are gentler on the skin, and do not require shocking in order to keep stable sanitary conditions and so many people prefer this option. Additionally, while salt water pools create stubborn rings on dark tiled surfaces, they don’t need to be drained and scrubbed like a traditional chlorine pool.

    • When should I build my swimming pool/spa?

      When considering a large construction or renovation project on your home, it's easy to feel like it's never the right time to start. Especially when you have kids, time is a fine and precious thing - usually the one thing you never have enough of. But when it comes to swimming pools, California Pools recommends October as a great month to build a swimming pool and/or spa in your backyard living area.

      Many factors make the mid-fall season a great time for outdoor construction. Winter rainy months (i.e., December & January) often cause delays in construction (i.e., excavation & plaster). October is the perfect month to start your swimming pool project just before the rain hits.

      Plus, many homeowners choose the spring months to install swimming pools and spas - getting their outdoor living space ready for summer! Starting a project in the fall allows your chosen swimming pool contractor to put focus and time on you, your family, and your project.

  • Maintenance Questions

    • How much work is involved in maintaining a swimming pool/spa?

      If you are a new swimming pool owner, we recommend reading through our full Maintenance Manual.

      Ideally, here are the maintenance tasks a homeowner or hired servicer should do once or twice per week to maintain a clean, cloudy-free, and algae-free swimming pool / spa:

      • Check pH levels
      • Brush walls, steps, and benches
      • Net visible debris
      • Check vacuum for debris; clean if necessary
      • Clean debris out of skimmer
      • Check water pump for debris; clean if necessary
      • Check filter PSI; clean if necessary
        • Your swimming pool filter should typically operate at a certain PSI (pounds per square inch). When the PSI on your filter spikes 10-12 PSI, it is time to do a quick clean on your filter. This process varies depending on the type of filter you have, so please consult an expert before doing this yourself. It is also wise to do a filter breakdown, a thorough, deep clean of the filter, approximately once a year.
      • Check Chlorine levels; adjust if necessary
    • How do I find a leak in my swimming pool/spa?

      There are 3 easy ways to quickly identify a leak in your pool: bucket test, filter test, and dye test.

      See our blog for full details on how to test for a leak in your swimming pool.

    • How often should I drain and refill my pool?

      Traditionally, in order to keep a well-maintained swimming pool and spa, homeowners are recommended to drain and refill the structures every 3-5 years. This has typically been necessary because of chemical build-up in the water, which makes it less healthy to swim in.

      Unfortunately, though, draining and refilling a swimming pool and/or spa is a quick way to waste thousands of gallons of water throughout your swimming pool's lifetime. But the experts at California Pools have discovered a solution that can help you and your swimming pool / spa continue to conserve water: Bio-Active. Bio-Active is a product that reduces levels of Cyanuric Acid in your swimming pool water without draining and refilling, which can be helpful for homeowners under water restrictions.

    • What is the most common swimming pool maintenance mistake?

      While chlorine is a really useful chemical for swimming pool / spa maintenance, many homeowners apply excessive amounts of chlorine to their swimming pool. Although one might think high doses of chlorine will help remove or prevent algae in the water, the high concentration of chemicals easily damages the plaster of the swimming pool and spa. Try to keep your chemicals in the acceptable levels explained to you by a swimming pool maintenance professional.

    • Do swimming pools/spas waste water?

      No, you can use a pool cover to reduce evaporation almost 90%, and lower water levels help prevent swimming splash out. But according to the California Pool & Spa Association, a "well-maintained pool uses roughly half the amount of water a lawn uses in the same period." They also found that a swimming pool owner's water savings in the first year average 3,750 gallons, and every year following averages 18,000 gallons of water saved.

  • Construction Stage

    • What should I expect during construction?

      Our team will:

      • Excavate and grade your backyard

      • Install plumbing, electrical, and other necessary components

      • Build the pool shell with custom features

      • Install decking, water features, and any additional structures

      • Fill the pool with water and adjust the chemicals

      You can explore more about our pool construction process in-depth here.

    • What access is needed to build my pool?

      A common misconception is that you can't have a pool if the side yard access is too narrow for a tractor. But that's not the case! We have the expertise to work in tight spaces that many assume a pool won't fit.

      While tractor access is ideal, we have alternative solutions when space is limited, such as hand digging. Our experienced team can assess your property and determine the best construction method for your yard.

    • How do I ensure I get quality work?

      The last thing you want is to invest in a swimming pool and end up with subpar construction. To ensure the highest quality of work, make sure to find a pool builder that:

      • Is reputable and established
      • Has good reviews online or references from friends
      • Someone who will treat you with honesty and hold integrity
      • Quality workmanship and plenty of proof to show for it
      • Communicate openly with your builder throughout the process
    • How important is a good warranty?

      A crucial part of your pool that people often overlook is the warranty. As a pool buyer, finding a pool building company that will still be around to honor your warranty well after the construction process is complete is important. California Pools has been building pools since 1952, so you can trust that we'll be here for any needs throughout the warranty period.

  • Planning Stage

    • What options are available to make my pool construction better?

      The pool can be designed to fit seamlessly into your existing landscape, match the style and aesthetic of your home, or stand out as a unique statement piece. Plenty of options are available to customize your pool, such as:

      • Spa additions

      • Waterfall features

      • Built-in seating and tables

      • Fire pits or fire bowls

      • Custom lighting

      • Materials and finishes

    • What’s involved in remodeling my swimming pool?

      The difference between a replaster and a remodel is the level of redesign. A replaster is the perfect option if you want to revamp your current pool. This process involves removing and replacing the pool's interior finish, ensuring it looks brand new.

      On the other hand, a remodel can involve more extensive changes to your pool's shape and features, including installing new water features, decking, spas, outdoor kitchens, and anything else you could want or dream up.

    • How do I choose the right design for my swimming pool and backyard?

      Gone are the days of cookie-cutter swimming pools and boring backyards. There's a lot to consider, but some of the main factors to consider include:

      • Size of backyard

      • Line of sight from home

      • How the pool will be used

    • How long does it take to build a swimming pool?

      While the length of every backyard living project varies significantly on what features are incorporated inside and outside of the swimming pool, most of the offices at California Pools complete average projects in 8-10 weeks. The process can take closer to 12-16 weeks (3-4 months) for larger projects.

      Some contributing factors to the timeline of your pool construction include:

      • Additional water features

      • Rarity of materials

      • Complexity of surrounding landscape

      • Additional fire features

      • Weather challenges

      • Additional structures (i.e., kitchen)